Albertia naidis lives as endoparasite in the intestinum of Oligochaetes e.g. Nais sp.(arrow). This image shows the anterior part of such a worm that is infested by three parasites: most of the external parasites are peritrich ciliates (Rhabdostyla inclinans). (The arrowhead points to one of several specimens of the rotifer Cephalodella parasitica.) (2) |
Albertia naidis;: close up of the above specimen. (2) |
Albertia naidis;: another specimen in the same worm. (2) |
Albertia naidis, forcipate trophi (2) |
Albertia naidis , lateral view; isolated specimen from (1) |
Albertia naidis , dorsoventral view. (1) |
Albertia naidis , ? juvenile stages? (1); |
Location: Hattingen, garden pond (1); Simmelried near Konstanz, sphagnum pond (2) |
Habitat: parasitic in Nais sp. (1); (2) |
Date: 01.04.2007 (1); 08.10.2018 (2) |